Online Courses for Students with Disabilities


From Fall 2015 Technology in Education Data Base

Real Connections: Making Distance Learning Accessible to Everyone
This report argues that distance learning courses are designed in a way that creates barriers for students and instructors with disabilities.

An Exploration of the Representation of Students with Disabilities in Distance Education
This article examines how if students with disabilities are represented or underrepresented in distance education.

Higher Education for Students with Disabilities
This website lists the rights, various resources, and accredited schools for students with disabilities.

Clearing Up Accessibility for Distance Education Administrators: Accommodating the New Students
This article describes how distance education is opening up the doors to higher education for people with disabilities.

Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities
This website is dedicated to “research how online learning can be more accessible, engaging, and effective for k-12 learners with disabilities by investigating approaches that address learner variability within the range of conditions under which online learning occurs.”

Students with Disabilities Meet Challenges in Online Courses
This article gives the perspective of an actual student with disabilities and discusses how online courses can be harder to access with students with specific types of disabilities.

Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities in the Online Classroom
This article describes how online courses can help students with disabilities to blend in without being viewed as ‘different’.

E-Learning Expands for Special-Needs Students
This article gives a real-life example of how online learning can be a better environment for special needs students to thrive.

The Benefits of Online Ed for Disabled Students
This article argues that online programs can accommodate individual needs more so than in-class learning, particularly for students with disabilities.